Annual General Meeting

The District holds an Annual General Meeting open to all subscribing and honorary members of Rose Croix Chapters meeting in the District of East Cheshire. Members of the 18th Degree are especially welcome and encouraged to attend.
The meeting is held under the Warrant of Toft Chapter 897 being the Past Sovereigns' Chapter in the District. The venue for the meeting is usually the "home" Masonic Hall of the current Most Wise Sovereign of Toft Chapter. To date the meeting has been held at Hyde, Middlewich, Knutsford, Willaston and Altrincham.
The Most Wise Sovereigns, Generals, Recorders and Directors of Ceremonies of every Chapter in the District are expected to attend and a muster roll of Chapters is called confirming every Chapter in the District is represented.
As well as the District business an item of interest is organised and the District plays host to Inspectors General and District Recorders from neighbouring Districts as well as the Heads of other Orders in Cheshire with the Cheshire Craft and Royal Arch leadership who are also members of the Ancient & Accepted Rite.
Held on a Saturday around Easter time, usually the Saturday before Palm Sunday the formal meeting is of course followed by a very convivial social board lunch.
The Annual General Meeting will not be held in 2025.